The last of the main 2016 podcasts, I am joined by Kevin Nolan and Marc de Vloomanu once again. We try to build a list of ten games we consider the best of 2016. Things get intense but cordial.
Games Discussed: Dark Souls III, Doom (2016), Abzu, Firewatch, Furi Dishonored 2 , Frog Fractions 3, Glittermitten Grove, Hitman, Enter the Gungeon, Picross 3D Round 2, Hyper Light Drifter, Quadilateral Cowboy, Street Fighter V, Wheels of Aurelia, Tokyo Mirage Sessions, INSIDE, Mafia III, Overcooked, Owlboy, Oxenfree, Peter Panic, Reign, Stardew Valley, SUPERHOT, That, Dragon Cancer, Sid Meijer's Civilization VI, Thumper, Titanfall 2, and Virginia.